Monday, March 17, 2008

retooling - report 1

right, so i have watched the first two videos of a five part series on cardrunners to help me play in a more optimal way and exploit the fish-er-roos that swim down at the small stakes to micro stakes.

after the first two videos there are a number of areas that i have identified that need to be addressed pre-flop to improve my game. these areas are;

1) opening up my range: looking over my stats i am defo tight nitty. its why my big hands get paid and why my stack slowly but surely dwindles and i'm easily exploitable. i need to open this up more.

2) open limping or over limping: i just get nothing from these plays, i don't get any information, i don't take control of the pot and i give myself a weak image on the process.

3) never reraising: even with my monster hands i never reraise pre-flop. don't know why, i need to get more money in the pot when i'm ahead and protect my weaker hands by controlling the pot more often.

4) position: yes i knew how important position was but i never applied having position in the correct way.

so to my first retooling session, stats are as follows;

nl25 6max
149 hands at 12/11/8

verdict: crushed! big word for only 149 hands but i played exactly the way i wanted to and got the result i wanted to too. i think my stats of 12/11 are good, i think they will naturally go up as i was getting a lot of trash hands in the session and will probably net out at around 15-18 vpip with a pfr of 14-17.

key hands:
biggest pot won
biggest pot lost

overall i was a lot happier with my play, i felt i was controlling the pot and the table when i wanted to and pressured other players a lot more therefore causing them to make mistakes such as the big hand above.

i also felt that my pre-flop game was a lot more natural and effective. i played correctly in all the spots i was put in and the end result was a winning session. there were a few occasions where my post flop play was a little weak but the videos haven't covered that yet and i don't want to continue to play the way i was before so in instances where i wasn't sure or they were marginal i folded.

next stop is post flop play so hopefully i can improve that and make better judgement calls moving forward.


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