Wednesday, March 19, 2008

retooling - report 2

so very happy with the results of my first session after erasing everything i had learnt and starting again. i then watched the third video in the 5 part series and pulled out a few more areas i need to address, as follows;

1) flop texture: harder to read then i thought, spotting the nuts is the easy part but evaluating it with your oponents range was something i wasn't doing often enough, or i just gave them credit far too often.

2) continuation betting: simple right? i thought so but continuation betting when you have missed or are out of position combined with the flop texture is tricky.

3) building value in a pot: get the money in when you are ahead! easy to do when you have poc aces but i never considered their range vs mine in any given situation. for example maybe a/q off is massively ahead of their range, so build value earlier!

so after my second retooling session my results were as follows;

150 hands at 11/11/26

verdict: very happy. the tables i played at were a lot tricker this time, with the majority of players playing full stacks and having decent lag stats. it kept me on my toes but i still owned the hands i played. the reason for the massive aggression factor above is that not one hand made it to showdown, in fact i don't think there was one hand i played that i didn't take down on the flop! and i picked up some decent hands to 3 bet a fair few time. again, played near 11 vpip and 11 pfr, this may be where i net out at, only time will tell, 300 hands just isn't enough.

key hands:
much better aggression from me here
my aggression pays off

so although its only 2 sessions i already feel my game has improved hugely. really highlights the massive leaks i had previously. the first hand posted above is a prime example, i would never have 3 bet just 48 hours ago! two more videos in the series to go and i'm very much looking forward to continuing this upward momentum!


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