Monday, March 17, 2008

retooling my game

i think my recent horrid run at nl50 has really opened my eyes to where my game is at. i was out of my depth at times, making stupid calls, playing weak and generally doing the total opposite of crushing!

with that in mind i've decided to totally retool my game. there is a great selection of videos on cardrunners that will hopefully reset my head and get my playing in the most optimal way. to do this i need to drop back down to nl25 and also swap to 6max. now is probably the right time to do this as i'm very motivated and don't see any long term winnings coming from the way i am playing at the moment.

what i'm going to do now is watch and internalise a video at a time and then play a short 60min session, 2 tabling only and see where it gets me. after each session i'm going to share my results and thoughts and hopefully further ingrain the thinking and play into my subconscious. i'll combine the first 2 videos together as part 1 is very much an intro so there should end up being 4 'reports' on how my game takes shape.

so watch this space, the first report should be later today and hopefully it will have a positive return on investment!


Anonymous,  17 March, 2008 12:16  

i had same problem i found $50 bi a little different, any couldnt win lost 3bi's in 15mins. also making weak calls so i dropped down to 25bi for a while, then 5/10 lol taking a short break until i lodge. good luck 2u!!! i wonder when bluescouse will be back????

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