Friday, January 11, 2008

my stag night

since i devoted myself to my lovely fiancee and spunked sooo much money on her near flawless ring i've been wondering about whats gonna happen on my stag night. is it just gonna be beers with some mates, will there be a strip club (not overly bothered if i'm honest, infact preference is no). trouble is most of my mates who are now married have already done all this, some have even travelled to poland just to fire some guns (not at people in a sick hostel way but at targets in a well supervised environment!).

so basically what does that leave me then? well more of the same i guess until i found full house travel which looks like it could be the answer!

i need to get my best man on the case pronto and see if this could become a reality as not only will i have a wicked awesome time but i could also come home with some cash!


Small Stakes Poker 13 January, 2008 19:31  

Happy New Year
gl for 2008


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