Monday, January 14, 2008

back from the land down under

so after 22 hours on aeroplanes and a 12 hours stop over in seoul i am back in london! woo hoo...well not really as i'd way prefer to still be in sydney.

feeling pretty f*cked at the moment, have had about 3 hours sleep in the last 48. i've watched transformers about 18 times on the plane as well so can pretty much quote the entire movie and feel a slight aversion to my6 nokia phone at the moment!

on the plus side i'm feeling refreshed and ready to hit the tables again. hopefully i can get some time in tomorrow as there are some bonuses i want to clear and some software that i'm after. i might post a few pics of the trip if i can be bovved, usually my holiday snaps sit on my digital camera until i next go on holiday and am forced to save them or delete them!

anyhoo, will let you fishes crack on with work or play and i'm gonna check some email and see if i have any new facebook friends...doubtful!


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