Tuesday, January 8, 2008

i paid star city's rent yesterday

thats right, the little casino trip didn't go to plan. i went without any idea of what i was going to play and just donked around the slots, some random spinning wheel thing (not roulette!) and some other bingo game. well as you might have guessed i didn't win at any of the games, and i mean not once, nothing, zip, nadda. i didn't even manage to win a free spin on the slots. all the money just went in and that was it.

on a brighter note my fiancee cained the slots and managed to win back everything i lost. literally every machine she sat at dropped its first, second or third jackpot. just amazing really, she's pick a machine and it would win, i'd pick a machine and she'd sit at the one next to it and win, she'd pick a machine and i'd muscle her off it so she'd sit at the one next to it that i should have sat at and win! drove me crazy!

we do have a little tradition though where the winner on the day buys ice cream so i did end up with a free vanilla cone!

god i can't wait to get back to the tables though!


Anonymous,  09 January, 2008 18:26  


link swap?

The 80th Minute 09 January, 2008 22:19  

Lol. Hate it when that happens.
But at the end it is one budget I guess so no harm done but be prepared to hear this for years from your wife to be.

seymour:cards 09 January, 2008 23:39  

busted - have linked you up

dremeber - yea no real harm and i got an ice cream! i will never hear the end of it though but its just one of many things these days!

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