retooling - report 4
so i've watched all of the videos on playing nl 6max as a solid tag player and i have learnt a shag load! seriously, all those hours spent on the train reading slansky and malmuth were wasted compared to watching 5 hours of solid video coaching!
after the last video there were a few more areas in my game that i in hindsight needed some work and they are
1) table selection: i was totally looking for the wrong things and now after a little experimentation i think i'm back on track.
2) slow playing: thought i was well cool, innit, for slow playing my aces. financially its not true, have had my eyes opened here.
3) value betting: i was either missing value or looking for it in the wrong spots.
so my final retooling session went pretty well and i think i plugged the holes from the last session
235 hands at 11/9/9
verdict: crushed once again! really felt on fire today. my play was solid, i kept putting the donks on hands, picked my spots and crushed anyone that tried to play back at me! think my stats were a little low but really wasn't picking up anything and as the videos said, forcing it at the micro stakes usually back fires, which is pretty much what happened last session.
key hands:
did i lose value here?
so with that said, i'm pretty pleased with how following the video series turned out. there is still a ton more to learn and there are loads more videos to watch but am pretty pleased with where i am. i think once i practice this style a little more and get really comfortable with the plays a good next step for me is to see where i can open up my range a little more. will let you know how that goes.
gonna watch rounders now and critique matt damons play...donkfish!
wat vids are these fish? Cardrunners?
does someone wanna play like seymour?!
i'll coach you for a decent introductory rate if you want...or you could look at the vids on cardrunners which is what i've been doing. well worth it imho
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