Thursday, March 20, 2008

hurting a little at the moment

was completely motivated, fighting to get at the tables, ready to apply everything i have learned and then this happened. feeling totally dejected now :( did i play either of these hands wrongly?

i know that its variance and making donkfish calls keeps the donkfish coming back but come on, could i not have scooped one of these? all my hard work for the day gone plus more, meh

sat down, very first hand and this happened, total cooler

pocket snowfish

then after going on a little raising with nothing run and enjoying a little 3 betting i get this hand and i was praying the donkfish had seen me being aggressive so i could stack him

pocket cowfish

and to round it off, do i have any beer in the house, course i effing dont!


Amatay 21 March, 2008 01:36  

nothing u can do mate except get yourself done Tesco's or summat and get the beers in

Anonymous,  21 March, 2008 04:21  

I don't think you did anything wrong, this guy was going to be betting either way, with the hand that he had.

I don't think any amount of betting you could of done would I shook him enough to muck that hand. Get that beer and get back to the tables, bad beats happen to us all.

Tagula 21 March, 2008 13:18  

Unreal that whenever ya seem to catch KK a friggin Ace appears on flop, learn to fold seem the best idea? Only get it all in when ya KNOW ya is unbeatable?
Easily said I

Gl out there.

AJ (Config)

Sir Nemo 21 March, 2008 15:34  

Damn those are some bad beats, best luck for next time you have similar hands/situations.

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