Monday, March 3, 2008

hhhmmm, cardrunners

so i've decided to take the plunge and get a cardrunners sub. i've only ever heard good things about it but have always been tentative about what i could actually get out of watching the videos, i mean surely reading those light hearted and easy going slansky books is as good as it gets, right?

the tipping point came on thursday when i had some spare time and watched a taylor caby heads up sample video. now i don't even play heads up but just watching and listening to his thought process totally blew me away. i mean you always hear about playing the player and not the cards, and you always see the pros on shows like high stakes poker playing, what looks like, some random two cards, but watching this video actually demonstrated how little cards mattered and what the pros must be thinking when they play.

yes, he wins some big pots with his big hands, but watching him call a 3 bet with 10/8o then floating the guy before taking the pot away from him on the turn with total air was amazing!

so hopefully i'm going to sign up today and get going with the coaching videos as well and becoming as active as possible on the forum. then it won't be long before i'm crushing ivey on the $500/$1000 nlh heads up table of death on ftp!


Ian Little 07 March, 2008 16:52  

Should be +EV for your BR. Watch as many of Tay's vids as you can, his commentary is excellent.

seymour:cards 07 March, 2008 17:01  

certainly will, already impressed with his commentary, really opened my eyes to a high stakes players thinking.

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