Friday, February 22, 2008

thanks fish-er-roo's

have been moving some money about between poker accounts and thought that even though i play at the micro stakes there is no reason why i shouldn't enjoy my winnings. i know i won't be splurging any time soon on a house, a fast car, a trip to vegas or even a picture of dogs playing poker, but there is one thing that my winnings will let me enjoy...

...thats right fish-er-roo's, tonight i have $6 of poker winnings burning a hole in my pocket and i'm gonna enjoy one on the donkeys. so here's to mr 7/8o all in on a 9/q/a board, or miss i can't lay my 2nd pair down regardless of the bet to me. you may suck out on me more often then i like, but tonight, one beer at least is on you!


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