merry christmas seymour
given my current success i've decided to reward myself by buying a new laptop! yes, i feel that the c. $6 profit i've made over the last week is reason enough to fork out over $2k on a new lappie for my troubles.
i've decided to go down the route of buying an ultra portable rather than some behemoth 4kg 17 inch screen mofo that needs some kind of concrete foundation in your living room to support it properly. if I wanted a non-portable machine i would buy a desktop and be done with it!
i've decided on the dell xps m1330 which has got killer reviews everywhere i have looked and have equipped it with some serious power and connectivity meaning poker sessions in starbucks could become a reality! see picture below to spark your jealousy meter.
should arrive in the next week or so just in time for xmas. i've been meaning to buy a new laptop for ages and have been umming and arring and given that santa will probably only bring me a lump of coal i need something to stick in my stocking! plus it will mean i can delete all the gambling software that is littering my work laptop and scratch off another reason for them to give me disciplinary review!will post more once i've put it through the full seymour test process
Jealous? me? when i sit behind my 14inch £499 Pc World special? of course flash git!!lol by the way Seymour (if you dont mind a technohoper asking!) how do you get all those 'links out' on your blog roll? (or if anyone else can help plz do!) gl geez
VERY nice!!!
New laptop = more success!!!!
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