Wednesday, November 28, 2007

guest edited by wombol

friends, romans and countrymen! it is wombol here, honored to be guest editor for a day on seymour cards. as you can see i've made a few changes, seymour likes them but feels i'm just trying to show off! i can assure you i am not.

so why am i here. well firstly i'd like to put payed to any rumours that i am a gonna! a certain fellow blogger believed i was, lol, and i'm sorry to say i'm still here alive and kicking! lots left to do in life and nothing is going to stop me! i recently got engaged and have been spending a lot of time travelling and enjoying life, i've just got back from the maldives and am off to oz in a few short weeks, this really is the life.

the second reason is just to say thanks and comment on what a wonderful community has sprung up around poker. there is such a broad array of voices and characters, each with great personalities and a common interest in poker and a passion for sharing what they know. its still great to read about whats going on, the successes and failures, the highs and lows and also the random! and there is a lot of random!

so please bloggers, keep it up, i may not play anymore but i still keep up to date on how all of you guys are going. maybe i'll get back in the game one day, and then you will all be in trouble, but until then i just want to say thank you and good luck to all.


Anonymous,  29 November, 2007 04:44  

Hey Wombol, glad you are not chewing dirt! LOL

Seymour fancy a link swap? my new blog is:

already got you on my reading list as promised!

Amatay 29 November, 2007 08:55  

Good post Wombol and get back to the cyber felt

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