Wednesday, April 23, 2008

a few days off

i've been feeling a little strange about poker the last few days. i feel like our relationship his hit a funny patch for no real apparent reason.

as i'm sure most poker players will agree, we have a love/hate relationship with the game. sometimes we love it (usually involves winning) and sometimes we hate it (mostly involves losing). for some reason i've slipped into the hate category with no significant losses to shout about.

i think these ups and downs are natural, amatay seems to go through 6 or 7 of these daily so i guess i'm allowed one! i'm probably going to take the rest of the week off playing and hopefully get my gggeeerrr-roove back and go from there. i've also got another idea in my head which i'm working on. for those of you who don't know me, i tend to come up with a fair few ideas/hair brained schemes to make some extra dolla and am currently trying to do that as well, hehe. none of them ever work but its normally fun finding out and i always learn a new skill.

cheers fishsters, oh and some nice voting action going down around my poll, keep it up!


Amatay 24 April, 2008 14:07  

Shit, i've fallen behind in the poll. Noooooooooo

Anonymous,  09 May, 2008 11:33  

'sometimes we love it (usually involves winning) and sometimes we hate it (mostly involves losing). '

So very true. Seems like you've got a very good head on your shoulders when it comes to finding a solution :)

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