Monday, April 28, 2008

how many employees does it take to hang a picture?

this isn't poker related but i think its a great way to highlight how rediculous big businesses really can be.

i currently work for a huge american company employing over 100,000 people globally, half of which in my opinion are wasted resource and here is some evidence to back that up...

on friday a guy came round to hang two pictures near our photocopier, which he did. later on friday 2 further guys came round to inspect the pictures and decided to rehang them 2 inches lower then they already were. today (monday) 2 women came round to check all the pictures that were hanged on all the floors, it didn't look like they were happy! later one of the women and 2 guys came back round and she showed them where they should be hung. then later still another guy came round to move one of the pictures from being next to the other to under the other.

so far, 2 days 5 visits and 7 different people have been required to hang 2 pictures.

wasted resource, of course not! and this may not be over yet!


Sir Nemo 29 April, 2008 15:56  

Oh i know how that is. It's the same at my work as well. Anywho, I'm a fan of the blog man. You're on my list of favorites

Anonymous,  30 April, 2008 17:50  

LMFAO! It was the same at the company I worked for before I got the boot. The actually used to have meetings to plan future meetings! I mean WTF honestly! They even did a risk and cost assessment to put some floor plans on the walls, absolutely ridiculous!

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