Sunday, February 17, 2008


thats pretty much all i can say. i've just experienced my worst losing session i've ever had and going over the beats i'm not sure what to say. i just couldn't buy a break, nothing went my way and i mean nothing. every hand i made got cracked. my aces full of eights got beat by aces full of nines, my aces high flush was busted by a straight flush, the list goes on and on.

then this happened and it sent me on tilt. i've never really been on tilt, maybe for a hand or so while i gained my composure back but i lost it with this and started hurling chips all over the place. i mean i couldn't throw them at people fast enough. i'm sure the full tilt servers had problems keeping up with the chips flying out my account. what a disgrace.

i think i need a little break. i may log back on later to try and recoup some winnings but i'm hurting pretty bad at the mo. god dam 9's!


Short-Stacked Shamus 17 February, 2008 19:02  

I noticed awhile back that getting aces cracked often was a trigger of sorts for me -- leading me to tilty behavior. More so than any other bad beat-scenario, losing w/AA would almost automatically destroy my focus.

Once I realized it, I got better at shaking it off. Was amazing, though, to recognize how many times sessions that went south started with losing w/AA.

Ryverrat 19 February, 2008 05:42  

AA losing can get you into a steaming mess. I wrote a post once where i got all in with AA vs 67 and the flop hit 67x. I was so steaming I was sure it was fixed. Haha. I cooled down, realised he was a fish and took my cash back. The problem is when losing AA like that it means you have highlighted a fish and its a race to get the money before anyone else does therefore tilting your game. You cant just step away and come back in 20 mins.

I agree with Shamus that once you realise that this effect is coming after you lose your AA then its easier to control the focus and realise that you will always lose 1in 5 pocket AA, thats poker.

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