Saturday, December 1, 2007

sng madness

well played my first ever sng's the other night. good fun quick hits of poker aren't they! multi-tabled (in the loosest sense of the word!) two $5 + 50c games on stars. finished 6th and 3rd so managed to cash although the prize money didn't cover my two buyins so still down.

the final hand of the sng i cashed in was a great one. three players in the hand and everyone went all in preflop and guess what! we all have pocket pairs and by the end of the hand its a boat fest with all 3 of us making 2's full. one blessed guy raked in 2 full stacks and i luckily had 60 more chips than the other loser when we went all in so scraped third! hand is below

PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t150 (4 handed)

SB (t2950)
Hero (t1655)
UTG (t7290)
Button (t1605)

Preflop: Hero is BB with 8d, 8s.
UTG calls t150, Button raises to t1605, 1 fold, Hero calls t1455, UTG raises to t3060, Hero calls t50 (All-In).

Flop: (t6395) 2s, 6s, 2d (3 players, 1 all-in)

Turn: (t6395) 2c (3 players, 1 all-in)

River: (t6395) 6d (3 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: t6395

Results below:
Hero has 8d 8s (full house, twos full of eights).
UTG has Qs Qd (full house, twos full of queens).
Button has 5s 5c (full house, twos full of sixes).

Outcome: UTG wins t6395.

curse of the stars random generator that all our poc pairs run into each other!

no other news to share at the moment. wombol, as you may have read, guest edited, lol, if you can call it that. i think he's getting the poker itch back but he won't admit it! he'll crack soon enough i reckon.


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