Tuesday, December 11, 2007

more solid cash play

had another session at the tables tonight. played solid poker again picking my spots and playing the table. i did catch some good cards and my one showdown saw me holding the nut full house but feel i'm reading the table well and most importantly playing my game.

one difference tonight was i picked aggressive tables with what turned out, a few maniacs! usually i try to avoid these tables as i find it very hard to gauge where i stand with mediocre cards even if in reality i'm ahead. however tonight with a little more concentration and the aid of the instant hand history i pegged most players and their potential ranges which made playing the hand post flop a little easier.

other then that not much to report, i was gonna bore you with the only hand i showed down but i won't...although it did rock! oh and i'm finally back in the black, not by much but it feels good to wipe out my fishy losses so i'll post a revised results position vs my earlier goals.


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