Friday, December 21, 2007

christmas time, mistletoe and wine

well the festive season is well and truly upon us now. for those of you that have real jobs (like me) and don't make a living playing poker then i think today is probably the last "official" day at work as christmas eve (monday) will be a joke.

i will be spending my last official day in the office mostly down the pub trying random festive english ales. so far i have had yule fuel, winter delight and santas helper. they all taste the same to me, i'm no connoisseur but they get me merry and thats the plan!

i'm thinking i'll be able to get one more cash session in before i head off for the sunnier climbs of sydney to see the other halves folks which should take me above 2000 cash game hands for the month. i'm pretty happy about that given time constraints. i'll post my december results on xmas eve to include that session.

other then that i just hope everyone has finished their christmas shopping and my cards are in the post. if anyone is overcome by the christmas spirit, a time for giving and sharing, and wants to give my bankroll a boost then drop me a line. every little helps!


Big Black Dog 21 December, 2007 22:27  

What? Your leaving dreary,cold,miserable England for xmas in Oz,are you mad!!!
Have a great time geezer & good luck on the tables in 08

Wildcat 22 December, 2007 01:54  

Regarding your continuation betting post, there was nothing wrong with the 5bb raise. The problem was the flop bet! $1.25 into a $3.85 pot?? You might just as well say you had AK / AQ and missed the flop! Put in a $3-$3.50 follow up, basically saying you have aces / kings. If you then get called, you are probably beaten with two pair or a set, so put the brakes on. It would have cost you a simmilar amount, but would have ensured your opponent would probably have needed a decent hand to beat you, as it was, he could have had anything!

Best of luck for 2008!

seymour:cards 22 December, 2007 15:07  

thanks chaps, and thanks wildcat. makes sense, it was a weak bet wasn't. i defo think that 'weakness' is a leak in my game and i will follow that advice and make my bets stonger/in line with the pot size.

thanks again and merry xmas!


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